
This is the default template for PivotX. You can change this text by editing the file '_sub_about.tpl' in your pivotx/templates/default/ folder. You can do this by directly editing the file, or you can go to 'Manage Media' » 'Templates' in the PivotX interface.

The image in the header is © Andreas Reinhold.

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To change the links in this list, edit the file '_sub_link_list.tpl' in the pivotx/templates/default/ folder. You can do this by directly editing the file, or you can go to 'Manage Media' » 'Templates' in the PivotX interface.


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About PivotX

21 05 11 - 21:35

Hi! This website runs on PivotX, the coolest free and open tool to power your blog and website. To change this text, edit 'About PivotX', under 'Pages' in the PivotX backend.

PivotX is a feature rich weblogging tool that is simple enough for the novice weblogger to use and complex enough to meet the demands of advanced webmasters. It can be used to publish a variety of websites from the most basic weblog to very advanced CMS style solutions.

PivotX is - if we do say so ourselves - quite an impressive piece of software. It is made even better through the use of several external libraries. We thank their authors for the time taken to develop these very useful tools and for making them available to others.

Development of PivotX (originally Pivot) started back in 2001 and has continuously forged ahead thanks to the efforts of a lot of dedicated and very talented people. The PivotX core team is still very active but keep in mind that PivotX would not be what it is today without the valuable contributions made by several other people.