
This is the default template for PivotX. You can change this text by editing the file '_sub_about.tpl' in your pivotx/templates/default/ folder. You can do this by directly editing the file, or you can go to 'Manage Media' » 'Templates' in the PivotX interface.

The image in the header is © Andreas Reinhold.

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To change the links in this list, edit the file '_sub_link_list.tpl' in the pivotx/templates/default/ folder. You can do this by directly editing the file, or you can go to 'Manage Media' » 'Templates' in the PivotX interface.


Siste kommentarer

Tingo (Bestilt ny CD): Fikke rippet CD’ene i kveld. I går kveld forsøkte jeg med den bærbare Plextor’en, men da fikk jeg pro…
Tingo (Bestilt ny CD): Pakken med CD’ene ble levert sammen med avisen på dørmatta om morgenen 14 februar 2018 (PostNord). Ik…
Tingo (Endelig ny musikk…): og CDene lot seg rippe uten problemer.
Tingo (Musikk igjen): De tre CDene lot seg rippe uten problmer.
Tingo (Musikk - endelig): Fikk endelig tatt meg sammen og rippet disse to CDene. Ingen problemer.
Tingo (Squeezebox (V3) -…): I ettermiddag (søndag 14.2.2016) var V3’en svart igjen, så da benyttet jeg sjansen til å bytte fra mi…


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FreeDOS usb image

a useful thing

11 07 12 - 23:13 Brukte merkelapper: , , , , ,

A FreeDOS  usb image (FreeDOS 1.1 usb image) is useful for things which require a MS-DOS  executable, like updating the firmware on Samsung F4EG drives ( Samsung F4EG BadBlocks). I did two of them today; the only annoyance was that I had to use a sata-only machine, or else the F4EG program would print "this system is ATA only" or something to that effect.

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